Frinton Residents' Association

The aim of the Association is to communicate the Association's values, report on resolving current issues, provide information about Frinton-on-Sea and the activities that take place here, to all Frinton residents, together with visitors both physical and virtual.

For more than 50 years the Association has built up good relationships with those in authority, both locally and nationally, and now provides an effective forum for the expression of residents' views.

Frinton Residents' Association

Autumn Open Meeting

Please click The Open Meeting Notes to read the notes from this meeting.

The Frinton Resident


Welcome. We are trying hard to keep our website up to date and interesting. We used to circulate a paper magazine giving more details of matters of local interest, but for various reasons this has become non-viable. This "overview" will cover some of the main points but the details and the "e" Magazine will only be available by entering the "Members' Area".

Items of interest

  • Our mission to have dangerous and obstructive parking better controlled along the seafront continues with a request to the Parking Authorities to forecast potentially busy times and provide more Enforcement personnel accordingly.
  • We're pleased to say that the additional regulations relating to every corner along The Esplanade have had a positive effect.
  • Although we have been unable to prevent the proposed installation of traffic lights at Kirby Cross, we have put forward a plan to minimise congestion.
  • We are lobbying for proposed changes in respect of restrictions to 'Street Trading' in Frinton on Sea.
  • We are pursuing various aspects of Community Policing, particularly in respect of PCSO duties and Anti Social Behaviour.
  • We continue to monitor Planning applications and housing developments, with particular attention to matters that may affect infrastructure requirements.
  • We maintain a close working relationship with our elected representatives.

The Frinton Resident

The Frinton Resident newsletter can be accessed from the "Members Area" of this website.

If you are not a member please feel free to contact us to join.

About us

connaught avenue

If you are a Frinton Resident and you are interested in becoming a Committee member, we would very much like to hear from you.

All About Our Town

Connaught Avenue

Frinton is a residential town situated by the sea.



The Committee works with local Councillors representing Frinton & Walton Town Council, Tendring District Council and Essex County Council, together with other groups to help address local matters which are of concern to residents.

Local Events


All Frinton residents are welcome to attend The Frinton Residents' Association public meetings.



Find out what residents are asking.

Useful Contacts


Useful contacts for local services.



The Frinton Residents Association is a non-profit and non-political organisation representing the views and interests of Frinton residents.

Join us


Join the Frinton Residents' Association.


frinton on sea

Contact us.

Chairman's Message


A message from the Chairman.


connaught avenue

Health service on offer in Frinton.

Data Protection


The Frinton Residents' Association Data Protection Policy.

Dogs on the Beach


There is a defined area of our beach which has "Dog Free" conditions that apply from 1st May to 30th September.

Horses on the Beach


Horse Riding is not allowed on The Greensward or the Promenade.



Reporting potholes, dangerous pavements and street lighting problems.